Download publieke bèta vijf van iOS 11.1
Apple heeft maandagavond de vijfde publieke bèta van de iOS 11.1 vrijgegeven voor iPhone en iPad. Hierdoor zijn de mensen die niet staan ingeschreven als ontwikkelaars, in staat om de nieuwste iOS-software uit te proberen. Houd er echter altijd wel rekening mee dat bèta-software mankementen kan hebben en je toestel vreemd kan laten reageren. Ook kunnen applicaties zichzelf zomaar afsluiten, is de accuduur vaak allerminst optimaal en kan het zijn dat de geleverde prestaties over het algemeen zullen tegenvallen.
Nog steeds geïnteresseerd? Aanmelden kan hier. iOS 11 is de nieuwste versie van het OS, die enkele nieuwe features toevoegt aan de mogelijkheden van het OS. Eén van de aanpassingen is het vernieuwde controlepaneel, die functies overzichtelijk in beeld brengt. Ook zijn er handige functies toegevoegd voor de Apple Pencil. Voor meer informatie over de grote update, kun je terecht in ons overzichtsartikel over de software. Daarnaast kun je hier lezen welke iPhones en iPads de update ontvangen, waaronder ook de iPhone 7. Via deze link volg je het laatste nieuws.
Releasenotes vrijgegeven door Apple over bèta vijf
Notes and Known Issues
Known Issues
- ContinuingfromabreakpointwhiledebugginganARSessionmayresultinVIObreaking. Any visual objects placed in the world/anchor are not visible. (31561202)
Resolved Issues
- Fixed an occasionally occurring issue with audio latency or distortion on iPad Pro (12.9- inch) (2nd generation) and iPad Pro (10.5-inch). (33844393)
Resolved Issues
- Still capture requests using the 720p30 video format with the depthDataDeliveryEnabled property of AVCapturePhotoSettings set to true now works correctly. (32060882)
- Depthvaluesinthenondefault160x120and160x90depthdataformatsnowreturnthe correct values. (32363942)
Known Issues
- When using the TrueDepth front-facing camera on iPhone X, setting the capture device’s activeFormat to a binned video format (see AVCaptureDeviceFormat isVideoBinned) for capture and enabling delivery of camera calibration data causes the resulting AVCameraCalibrationData to contain invalid information for the intrinsicMatrix property. (34200225)
- Workaround: Select an alternate capture format whose isVideoBinned property is false.
- Note: Configuring a capture session using a session preset never selects binned formats.
Resolved Issues
- Client certificate-based authentication now works for servers using TLS 1.0 and 1.1. (33948230)
Known Issues
- Initializing an EKCalendarChooser from EventKit can result in an app crash. (34608102)
- Storing data to a nondefault event store in EventKit may not work. (31335830)
Resolved Issues
- Apps with a deployment target earlier than iOS 11 that subclass NSFileProviderExtension now work on versions of iOS prior to iOS 11. (34176623)
Resolved Issues
- NSURLSession and NSURLConnection now load URLs correctly when the system is configured with certain PAC files. (32883776) Known Issues
- Clients of NSURLSessionStreamTask that use a non-secure connection fail to connect when an error occurs during PAC file evaluation and the system is configured for either Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) or Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC). A PAC evaluation failure can occur when the PAC file contains invalid JavaScript or the HTTP host serving the PAC file is unreachable. (33609198)
- Workaround: Use startSecureConnection to establish a secure connection.
Location Services
Resolved Issues
- Data from an external GPS accessory is now accurately reported. (34324743)
Resolved Issues
- Silent push notifications are processed more frequently. (33278611)
Known Issues
- For a broadcast extension that a user starts from within an app, the value for the RPVideoSampleOrientationKey of the CMSampleBufferRef of type RPSampleBufferType is always portrait. Starting the broadcast extension from the Control Center returns the correct value. (34559925)
Resolved Issues
- Loading of webmail clients now behaves correctly. (34826998)
Known Issues
- VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D is currently unavailable in Swift. (33191123)
- Facial landmarks identified by the Vision framework may flicker in temporal use cases such as video. (32406440)
Resolved Issues
- JavaScript execution during WKNavigationDelegate policy decisions now works correctly. (34857459)
Known Issues
- Debugging a disabled Messages extension may cause the Messages app to crash. (33657938)
- Workaround: Enable the extension before starting the debug session
- After a simulated iOS device starts up, it’s not possible to pull down the Lock screen. (33274699)
- Workaround: Lock and unlock the simulated device and then reopen Home screen.
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